Corfu North East Riviera Private Boat Cruise

[info_list position=”top” icon_color=”#0090bb” font_size_icon=”24″ eg_br_width=”1″][info_list_item list_icon=”icomoon-users”]1 – 12 pax

[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_icon=”icomoon-clock”]11 am

[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_icon=”icomoon-clock2″]6 pm[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_icon=”icomoon-spoon-knife”]Restaurant stop (optional)[/info_list_item][/info_list]

Corfu North East Riviera Private Boat Cruise

Starting the day, we are about to leave the picturesque harbour of San Stefano, supplied with our complementary cruise pack. Heading north towards Kassiopi, there lies the ecosystem of “Erimitis”, an area of outstanding natural beauty and great environmental importance. Three little lakes and crystal clear beaches (i.e Akoli beach) emerge, rendering a stopover for a swim, worthwhile.

Right opposite Akoli beach, the imposing lighthouse of Kaparelli rises up. We can approach it closely enough so as to witness how nature has been mastering itself for some time now. The lighthouse was constructed by the British in 1823, during the “Septinsular Republic”. Its tower was lit in 1928 for the first time and the source of illumination was generally olive oil. It served as the only lighthouse in the Greek lighthouse network which embodied huge water storage tanks.

The height of the tower is 9 metres, the focal height (height of the lamp from water level) is 32 metres, and it was built 23,5 metres above sea level. In 1887 it was customised so as to emit a steady bright light with instant, intermittent red flashes per minute, increasing the light’s visibility at a greater distance. The sea and the structure were interconnected with a 15-metre-long iron staircase, yet been destroyed over the years, and a lamp right on top of the staircase.

Today, the lighthouse is no longer maintained and the lamp is replaced by an automatic lamp changer installed with a range of 5 nautical miles.

Akoli Beach - Erimitis Ecosystem - San Stefano Boats - Corfu Boat Hire
Akoli Beach - Erimitis Ecosystem
Kaparelli light house a.k.a Peristeres
Akoli Beach - Erimitis Ecosystem - San Stefano Boats - Corfu Boat Hire
Akoli Beach - Erimitis Ecosystem
Kouloura harbour

Corfu North East Riviera – Private Boat Cruise continues. As we keep heading north of San Stefano, we are just about to meet Kassiopi, one of the most popular summer resorts. A walk around the ubiquitous, little souvenir shops on the cobbled, main street of Kassiopi seems to be a “must”. Up until recently, the village of Kassiopi has been noted for its traditional essence and the picturesque, little harbour of it, which serves as a seminal fishing point in the North. We will probably witness fishing boats arriving with the daily catch. Important ancient relics are found in Kassiopi as, in antiquity, it is said to have been a prehistoric city of Corinthian rhythm. In the 13th century, the subsequent fortifications of the harbour led to a fortress, built from the Anjevins, rulers of Corfu at the time (1267-1836), and was considered one of the most strategically important fortresses of the island. Later on, the Venetians burned the fortress to the ground and rebuilt their own one, the ruins of which are spotted along the hillside. That is the place where emperor Nero and philosopher Cicero are reputed to have taken a rest stop.

Heading back, still on the north part of San Stefano, we can locate a series of sleek, luxury villas hewn among the olive trees, accommodating the prominent, upper class of London during summer months, thus, turning this beauty spot into a restricted private area.

Kouloura is an unassuming fishing harbour, named after the round shape of its bay. The view of it gained public prominence as it has been painted by many artists. The village comprises a tavern (that specializes in locally caught fish and some meat dishes) and a Greek Orthodox Church. A villa stands at the end of the road. It is the White House owned by the Italian, Angelli family (Ferrari) as their holiday home. Kouloura is also the place where Ioannis Kapodistrias, the first governor of Greece, reportedly owned a Venetian residence.

Following the gentle, north-east coastline, we shall reach Kalami, a lush bay where the renowned British author, Lawrence Durrell chose to live with his wife Nancy, his mother and brothers, from 1935 to 1939. That’s where the couple flourished. Days were spent leisurely gazing at the blue horizon and bathing naked at the pebble coves. Henry Miller, the distinguished American writer and Durrell’s close friend, used to visit them regularly, like many other friends from Corfu town did. The snow-white House of Durrells, standing over a beach-front tavern, seems to have been extended, yet it hasn’t changed at all.

The neighboring Agni bay boasts several little taverns along the coast that serve fine traditional food. There we can stop off to taste the local specialities. After lunch, we must visit the shrine of St. Arsenios. It’s a little byzantine chapel standing on the edge of the peninsula between Agni and Nissaki beach, and consists a must-dive site. Its sublime beauty always provided a constant source of inspiration to Lawrence Durrell.